Offre groupée de composants passifs pour l'électronique de puissance à PCIM

At PCIM Europe held during next May in Nuremberg Mersen introduces a bundling apporach for power electronics. To push power electronics converters to their peak performance in order to switch higher frequencies requires to meet two conditions: minimize parasitic inductance while keeping semiconductor junction under control. First is solved by using laminated bus bars which lead to a strongly reduced stray inductance, second is met by lowering the semiconductor junction temperature via appropriate cooling solutions while avoiding catastrophic damages by protectiong them with power semiconductor fuses.











Supported by a deep knowledge of power electronics applications Mersen expert engineers advise equipment designers to select the most efficent solutions for distributing power, cooling and protecting. Join them during PCIM Europe (14-16 May in Exhibition Center Nuremberg) on our booth n°213 in hall 7.

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