Mersen partage le savoir durant ICEFA 2015

ICEFA 2015, du 14 au 16 Septembre 2015, Dresde - Allemagne

We share knowledge!

This September, ICEFA 2015, the International Conference of Electric Fuses and their Applications takes place for the 10th time. Users, fuse experts, specialists from research, development and standardization will find a platform to exchange information about latest trends in fuses, about special technologies and about the application of fuses especially in changing structures of the electric distribution systems and the landscape of renewable energies.

Mersen is pleased to announce its participation and will be represented by  Peter Brogl, Jean-Louis Gelet and Michael Altenhuber who are part of the International Scientific Committee in Dresden. Furthermore Jean Louis Gelet and Michael Altenhuber are going to enrich the conferences program with their speeches about fuse-applications.

Michael Altenhuber, Consultant for Mersen and Secretary of IEC Subcommittee SC 32B (Low Voltage Fuses) has been a member of Fuse, Switchgear and Switchgear assembly IEC committees and national committees since 1986.  He was the leader of the adhoc group for the development of a “Fuse Guide” and has received the IEC Award for this work.  At the 10th ICEFA conference in Dresden he will present the edition 2.0. of this Guide.

Jean-Louis Gelet Since several years, Jean-Louis Gelet is in charge of the Research Activities for Mersen-Electrical Protection in Western Europe. He published more than fifty papers as main author or as contributor. At ICEFA conference hold at Dresden, Jean-Louis Gelet will present two complementary papers concerning the Characterization of Fuses for Application under high di/dt and the Protection against External Faults in VSI. These two papers will underline the advanced knowledge of MERSEN on this topic.

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