Mersen at middle east electricity in Dubai

Mersen will be present at Middle East Electricity 2015 in Dubai early next month (March 2-4). Mersen booth will be part of the France Pavillon (managed by Ubifrance).

This key regional trade show is the opportunity to exhibit our new product lines of Low Voltage Disconnect Switches and IEC Surge Protective Devices. On one side Mersen  is the first player in the electrical power market to offer a real global premium  line of compact switchgear with both IEC and UL products. On the other side Mersen has reached a position of major player in Power Quality on the surge protection application market with UL and IEC Surge-Trap® solutions.

Besides this a focus will be made on MULTIVERT® NH fuse switch-disconnector (DIN Standard) range for distribution cabinets and feeder pillars and also on gPV HelioProtection® fuses with our new array fuses designed for solar farms protection.

Join Mersen in Dubai during Middle East Electricty in hall 7 (Booth 7D13).


Please note that the center of excellence for IEC Surge Protection (Cirprotec company based in Terrassa), will be also present at Middle East Electricity (Stand 8B19) with especially External Lightning Protection under Cirprotec brand.












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