Mersen expose ses solutions innovantes à la foire de Hanovre

Energies renouvelables, Mobilité, Distribution & Protection de l'Energie : 3 applications dans lesquelles Mersen déploie son expertise

During last Hanover Fair (8-12 April) Mersen focuses its booth on innovation for Electrical Power. Visitors on the booth could see:

Circular Laminated Bus Bar for wind turbine generator (and industrial rottating machines)

USGM-HEL fuse-holder with Cage Clamp Technology(time and cost savings).

Monitoring card for more power efficiency in solar photovoltaic applications (alone or embedded in combiner box)

Static Current Collector Device Plug & Play solution for standstill recharging of catenary-free tramways

Limitor-PTS DIN Standard High Voltage Fuses for safe and low power loss switch-fuse combination

NH Switchgear operating at minus 40°c


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